Monday, July 23, 2012


Especially as a bigger guy, mobility restrictions can hold me back from a lot of optimal movement and full range of motion. I had rotator cuff surgery 8 years ago and Crossfit very quickly exposed my range of motion...or lack there of.

The two movements that seem to bless me with the most issues are the over head and front rack positions. Definitely not great for my Fran time. My always encouraging coach described my shoulders as that of an 80 year old last week. Ouch. Literally and figuratively.

I stumbled upon KStar and his amazing site, Mobility WOD, as a "homework" assignment from my coach during On-Ramp when I first got introduced to Crossfit. I have dabbled a little bit with the site and mobility suggestions, but after an incredibly frustrating session with over head squats last week, I decided I need to be more committed to mobility in my training.

Here's an example of the information and videos that KStar posts on his site. I like his videos because they are short and simple. Like a WOD, right?

Have a specific mobility issue that you're dealing with? Check out the search box on his site. His tags are solid and you can pull up amazing information with one search.

How much time do you dedicate to mobility when you go to the gym? I see a lot of folks head out as soon as the WOD is over. Do you prefer to work on mobility before your workout or after...or both? Should coaches and trainers build this into your WOD or should it be up the individual to work on in their own time?

P.S. I made the little gem KStar likes to call the dual lacrosse ball "peanut" this weekend...brutal. But it hurts so good!


Thursday, July 19, 2012

Lost in Translation

Crossfitters speak a different language. Sometimes I feel like I need a decoder to understand what is being talked about in normal conversations at the box. This is a hilarious video featuring Bob Harper from the Biggest Loser (relatively new to the Crossfit community) helping us decode the Crossfit lingo.

This also makes me wonder, why do we do this to ourselves? It seems like anytime I try to take up a new hobby, I have to learn a new language. Is it to bring ourselves up or to keep others out? Regardless, language can be such a barrier in attracting new folks. How will you ensure that the new face in your box doesn't get lost in translation?

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Why Did I Start Fat Boy Crossfit?

I started this blog for a multitude of reasons. The first of course is that I have seen amazing results from this sport of fitness in a relatively short amount of time. I’ve been Crossfitting since January and in seven short months I am completely addicted to functional movements.

When I first walked into the gym, I weighed in at 275 lbs. By far the most out-of-shape that I had been in my entire life. I grew up always involved in organized sports and was for the most part a stand out athlete amongst my peers. This proceeded through high school and into college until all of a sudden workouts were not required. Then the slow and slippery slope to obesity began.

To date, I’m down 30 lbs. and feeling better than ever. My body composition has changed dramatically and my overall level of fitness has skyrocketed. 

So here I am, seven months into the sport of fitness and I decided to start a blog. Why? Because the more I have been into this community, the more I realize how intimidating it is for large folks to get into it. The folks that need to be here the most.

Perception vs. reality.

Did you watch the CrossFit Games this past weekend? So did I. An amazing display of fitness from some of the most phenomenal athletes in the world. But is that the reality? When I look around my box, I see a handful of athletes that look like the phenoms we saw on TV. I see a lot more athletes that look like everyday people trying to non-everyday tasks while they kick the shit out of themselves. Reality.

Put yourself in the perspective of an out-of-shape, overweight, perhaps obese individual. Can you imagine how intimidating it would be to step foot into a Crossfit box thinking it’s full of folks you see on TV?

So here I am. Just a fat dude that is a little less fat than I used to be and hopefully not as fat as I always will be, trying to spread the word that Crossfit is for us too! Once you do get inside, you’ll realize it for yourself. But I get it. Taking that first step inside is probably the hardest. I know I was terrified. My hope is that this can be a dropbox of motivation and a celebration of victories. When you surround yourself with positive people, it makes your own mindset all the better. After all, Crossfit is more mental exercise than physical.

All the best in your own journey. Enjoy it. Share it.


CrossFit Victories

I want to hear them! Send them my way and I will publish them on my blog.

As much as I love WODing and eating clean, there are definitely days that I lose motivation. Perhaps you can relate. This can be a place to share information, victories and stories to keep that motivation flowing amongst this amazing community.

DM me on Twitter or send an email: fatboycrossfit at gmail dot com

Killing The Fat Man

I absolutely love this video series posted on from CrossFit Headquarters, Killing The Fat Man. It's a great little series of 10 episodes that follows the journey of a fellow #TeamFatty CrossFitter.

Can you relate to the "ah-ha" moments that Gary experiences? I know I can. I can also relate to my significant other getting fed up of me talking about nutrition and CrossFit!

How do you know that someone does CrossFit? Because it's all they talk about!


Fat Boy Crossfit

This is Fat Boy Crossfit. I am fat. I crossfit. One of those things is going to be changing.