Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Micro-Goal Tuesday: No Pain, No Gain

Without a doubt, waking up early was difficult today. My mid/lower back was thrashed from the WOD the previous night and running was the last thing that I wanted to do. WOD last night was Every Minute on the Minute (EMOM) for 10 minutes, 5 power cleans and 10 double unders. Double unders are still a work in progress, but for the first couple rounds I was able to string all 10 together. Awesome. But I was exhausted.

Then we had 20 minutes left in class to find our 1 rep max deadlift. Brutal. I'm still trying to breathe from getting the WOD done and now I'm finding my max. Previous PR was 405lbs and I was able to match it! Considering I wasn't close to being fresh, it felt good. I jumped to 415 and missed. Still pretty satisfied.

After that the night before and fighting every demon and naysayer in my head, I got my ass up after hitting snooze a couple times. I'm briskly doing my thing, pretty sure I'm personifying the meme below, when all of a sudden a sniper got me on my third lap. A nice little lip in the uneven sidewalk tripped me up. I come crashing down, scaring the hell out of my dog who in his most mans-best-friend-lassie-style-I'm-here-to-protect-you-no-matter-what way decides to take off sprinting down and across the street, leaving me face planted on the ground, glad it's 6:45am and no one in this little neighborhood happens to be outside at that moment.

I ended up getting up, chased down the dog who actually stopped and waited for me down the street, finished the fourth lap and came in at a time of 10:10. All things considered, I'll take it. When I got home, this is what my knee looked like. Not a fun shower.

Definitely hit home on the fact that this whole process and fitness journey that we're on doesn't come without sacrifice. It's not always physical sacrifices, like pretending to be a runner and having the concrete remind you that you're not, but usually the mental and emotional sacrifices. And the coolest part is these initially seem like they are a sacrifice, missing a TV show or staying in to cook dinner, but really they just make up a different way of life that we get to choose.

No pain, go gain.


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